Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Laura F. Bingham passed away Oct 3rd. She was a long time resident in our ward and a good example to all of service and family. In her 96 years she touched many. Her funeral was held on Oct. 11th. Thank you to all who helped in any way. Farewell Sister Bingham.

He's Here!

After a long and difficult pregnancy, Leslie and Steven Eastland are sooo excited to have their new baby boy here. His name is Samwise William Eastland. He arrived on October 6th weighing 8 lbs 3 oz and was 22 " long. Congrats to the Eastlands.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Wednesday September 29th marked the passing of my dear friend and co-publisher of this blog, Ava R. Huff. She touched many of you in our ward. Who will forget the last Relief Society lesson she taught about the priesthood? Her ghost stories at girls camp? How many of our children did she teach in primary?
I learned so much from her. She always put her family's needs before her own. She loved her husband, her children and grandchildren, her parents, siblings and nieces and nephews and certainly not least, her dog C.J.. Lamar had a hot home cooked meal waiting when he came home to her from work every night. I'll always remember them sitting together on the front porch swing. She loved and worried about her children. Enjoyed and tended her grandchildren. Sorely missed her parents. Liked having her siblings and their families at her house. Sometimes I wondered how that many people could fit in that little house. There was always room for one more, for overnight or months, it didn't matter.
I'll miss her running barefoot across the street to my house to see something I had made. Sampling her cooking and seeing the next new painting she had done for someone special. I'll never see a yard sale sign without thinking of Ava. She introduced me to Beto's for breakfast on saturday mornings and was always willing to help me with Relief Society.
I'll miss you dear friend. Goodbye, until I see you again.

Viewing will be at Walker Mortuary Sunday night.
Funeral services will be held in our ward building Monday at 11:00 a.m.